Happy Halloween
35 Görünümler
yayınlandı 30 Oct 2023 / İçinde
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Egg's are to fucking expensive to throw at stuff today! lol! Same with Pumpkin's so just get a fat repulsive femon painted Orange to sit on the doorstep! lol! Oh! I'll take that back, could become a new trend?
Only Joking - but not about the femon (Muva's) that is! lol!
When I went trick or treating I used to go dressed as a Human Being, that used to confuse the FUCK out of them. I had a buddy that for a joke and with an explanation went dressed a Jesus and was told that was inappropriate! lol! His answer was well hasn't Jesus cause more death and misery with war's ans shit? I mean he wasn't very bright so maybe he got confused with the Nativity and the Dates or something? lol!
The really scary part about Halloween and trick or treat is not the kiddies dressing up, that's kinda cute, but the real horror is in the single femon's (the MUVA's)! lol! that walk round with their kid's so Frankenstein don't get a chance to throw them in the lake - if you know what I mean! lol! NOPE the femon is even scarier than everyday at Halloween. I don't do Halloween because the other 364 day's a year is scary enough for me! lol! I don't do that Christmas BULLSHIT either. I watched a YT vid yesterday well a doc actually and the guy that produced it used to be an avid Christian, until he realized that it was a bad deal and he became an agnostic then an Atheist, and he found without all that guilt and angst once he dumped it even Satan vanished along with it. He finds life kinda COOL now , he doesn't take drugs or drink or want to have sex with every hole he finds either. Anyway Christianity was invented to control us by the very same descendants who are up to their same old tricks today, but today it's the environment instead of a Christ they pump us for money and control on. guy's all you need to believe in is yourself.
Happy Halloween SoloMan.