34 المشاهدات
نشرت في 19 Mar 2025 / في
فيلم والرسوم المتحركة
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So? Who has invisible walls?
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LOL, does he care about losing so called 'worth' he is insanely rich...
also, you should already know that any 'self-driving car is a bad idea...
also, do not care... since i will never own one of these things...
It's a compendium of a car that is HARD to escape from when the power goes out - and the thing is catching fire - and so many people have been trapped and burned alive inside it - thank's to it's absolutely IDIOT secret door unlocking system.
I mean you would have to be a fucking idiot to design that shit - and to do nothing about it after all the people have been killed after they were trapped inside it, when it turns into a crematorium.
Elronn and his design team need to have their heads kicked in for that.
Then add onto this, all this buggy self driving crap, AND then fucking with the Dept of Transport people, who are investigating all the safety aspects of these cars.
Corrupt Trump and his Bum Chum Elron - the Queens of Corruption.
Fuck them both.